Online resources for teaching health (mostly comic books and games)



Resources on Handwashing. 1

Comic books (free and online) 1

Online videos (free and online) 1

Computer game on household hygiene (free and online) 2

Resources on Safe water 2

Resources (free and online) 2

Videos (free and online) 2

NGOs with great safe water curriculum (free and online) 3

Resources on Sanitation. 3

Online resources. 3

Videos (free and online) 3

Comic books (free and online) 4

NGOs. 4

Resources on Colds & flu. 4

Online resources. 4

Videos (free and online) 4

*** Crawford's Corner- Crawford Is A "Sneezer Pleaser". 4

Computer games (free and online) 5

Comic books (free and online) 5


Note: The highly subjective ratings are out of 5 stars “*****”

Resources on Handwashing

Comic books (free and online)

*** Meena: Health in Your Hands.  The importance of hand washing to be healthy.

Ages 5-13

Meena is a great character.  This comic book is educational, but not too much plot.

** The Germagician

Ages 7-14

A comic book with good art and an interesting concept. Western images and fairly preachy.  From Dettol's health campaign. 


Online videos (free and online)

***** Great public service announcement on handwashing from Ghana

Ages: 5-adult  0:54;

You can watch with the sound off and just let students comment on what is happening.

*** Hand Washing for Kids Crawford the Cat

Ages 5-10 5:03

It does a good job teaching about washing hands and it’s sort of interesting. It says that germs are small, but not invisible, and his hands are visibly dirty.

**** All Washed Up!

Fourteen-year-old scientist Hyrum Grenny cracks the code on how to get kids to wash their hands.  Gives a lot of motives to wash hands and education why while still being fun.

*** Meena “Health in your hands”

Ages 5-13; 3:03

Meena is a great character.  This cartoon is educational, but not too much plot.

Computer game on household hygiene (free and online)

** Germ Hunter flash game

     Do you know where the hygiene hotspots are in your home? The creeping, crawling army of germs is slowly taking over your house. Grab your trusty cloth and spray, hunt down your home's hygiene hotspots and eliminate your unwanted invaders

     Short.  Mildly fun, and gives a little educational tip after each round

*** E-bug

This game starts slowly, but gets more fun when you have to throw soap to “wash away” bad bacteria.  It also has good handswashing tips. However, the questions in the gameshow section are not related to the rest of the game.


Resources on Safe water


Resources (free and online)

Healthy Water, Healthy Habits, Healthy People Activity book download

project WET

You have to register (for free) to download.


**** Their Educators Guide on Water, Health, Sanitation and Disease Prevention is at

This is a full curriculum.  It incorporates many of the games in the existing curriculum, but also utilizes the advantages of a classroom setting.


Videos (free and online)

Meena’s Three Wishes

Ages 5-13, 18:40

Meena dreams of a magic genie that will grant her three wishes so that everyone would be healthy and never again get sick from poor sanitation and unsafe water. When Meena wakes up she realizes that she must make her dream come true. With the help of her brother Raju, other children in the village, and Mithu, her pet parrot, Meena convinces people to build and use latrines, to use safe water and to wash their hands to stop the spread of germs and disease.  A bit long, but good plot and teaches the invisibility of germs.


NGOs with great safe water curriculum (free and online)

The Center for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology (CAWST)

**** CAWST has fantastic set of training materials at

They cover all aspects of safe water.  They are also the world leader on the biosand filter.  You need a free account to download.

SODIS safe water schools

***** SODIS has a book worth of material for safe water schools, see

Their manual goes over much of the material in chapters 1-3 of this curriculum. It includes introductory material on building latrines.



Resources on Sanitation

Online resources

School-led Total Sanitation

Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) is the inspiration for several activities in this chapter. 

***** A manual on their variation School-led Total Sanitation is at

Ongoing discussions of CLTS are at


Videos (free and online)

Meena's Three Wishes -  Meena tackles the issues of hygiene and sanitation

(If in Spanish, please find English version)

“Poo Loo”

****; Ages 13-adult; 4 min.

Very funny and gross.  The language is vulgar (“shit” that “stinks to high hell”)

The project website is

Saving a Life: Meena saves baby Rani when she has diarrhea

*** ages 5-13

Meena is a great character and this cartoon has some dramatic plot. The lesson is about keeping up fluid intake, without mentioning ORS.

Meena: Safe From Worms. Worm infestation and prevention

*** Meena is always appealing.  This cartoon is instructional, without a plot

The  Magic Glasses. Worm infestation and prevention

**** All ages

Engaging and somewhat disgusting.  A rigorous study supports its effectiveness.[1]



Comic books (free and online)

Saving a Life: Meena saves baby Rani when she has diarrhea

*** Meena is a great character and this comic has some dramatic plot. The lesson is about keeping up fluid intake, without mentioning ORS.



Deworm the World is a great NGO working on eliminating parasites from school children.


Resources on Colds & flu

Online resources

CDC website:  Are You a Flu Fighter?

Videos (free and online)


*** Crawford's Corner- Crawford Is A "Sneezer Pleaser"

Ages 5-9 5:00

Animated cat teaches how to stop spreading germs

Meena:  pneumonia


Computer games (free and online)

Meet the Microbes - How Lou Got the Flu


Comic books (free and online)

Pandemic flu Preparedness comic book

in multiple languages



Resources on Preventing Malaria


Videos (free and online)

**** Science video with lots of advice on avoiding mosquitoes

ages: Secondary school

** Public service announcement (English, east Africa)

For kids explaining mosquitoes spread malaria.


Computer games (free and online)

Play the Mosquito Game (Nobel Foundation) online game

STOP MALARIA NOW! - Online Mosquito Game

Nightmare: Malaria game (free app for Apple iPhones & Android devices)

You are in the bloodstream of a young girl infected with malaria.  Can you make it out alive? Can you use bednets and your wits to avoid killer mosquitoes?


Comic books (free and online)

Novartis (drug company) Malaria storybook

WHO comic book on malaria


Curriculum (free and online)

Lots of activities at



Nothing But Nets is a great NGO distributing bednets.


Roll Back Malaria is a global program . Their country reports are at



Resources on Safety & First Aid

Online resources

****  WebMD

For first aid:

For general diagnosis:

Ages 11-adult

WebMD is a website with valuable information on many diseases and first aid.

**** Free Android app for first aid from the American Red Cross

Ages 11-adult

Videos (free and online) First aid

A first aid training video for first responders

** ages 13-adult (graphic bleeding)

Helping someone who stopped breathing

Controlling bleeding

Videos (free and online) Safety for kids

Meena.  It Could Happen to Anyone: Keeping children safe from accidents

***** ages 5-adult; 14:26

This video combines a great character (Meena) with an interesting plot and important lessons on road safety avoiding sharp objects.

Also in Bangla

GreenLight Traffic safety cartoon

** Ages 5-10

GreenLight - Walking along the road cartoon

Road Safety ,Traffic Rules -Animation for Kids cartoon

Poison Control Center: STOP! Ask First

** ages 5-12, animation, 6 min.


Computer games (free and online)

This collection of online road safety games will help children and families to learn about keeping safe while out and about, whether walking, cycling or travelling by car - think road safety!

Other road safety games.


Comic books (free and online)

***** Meena.  It Could Happen to Anyone: Keeping children safe from accidents

Ages 5-12;

This comic book combines a great character (Meena) with an interesting plot and important lessons on road safety avoiding sharp objects.

*** CDC coloring book   Color Me Safe

Almost all the 26 lessons A to Z apply in poor nations.



[1] Bieri, Franziska A., Darren J. Gray, Gail M. Williams, Giovanna Raso, Yue-Sheng Li, Liping Yuan, Yongkang He et al. "Health-education package to prevent worm infections in Chinese schoolchildren." New England journal of medicine 368, no. 17 (2013): 1603-1612.